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AVAA Constitution

Article I ‑ Name


The name of this organization is The Association of Veterans Affairs Anesthesiologists; also known as the Association of VA Anesthesiologists (AVAA), and referred to hereafter as the Association.


Article II ‑ Purpose


The purposes of the Association are to improve patient care by the advancement of the best practices and principles of Anesthesia through medical education and research in Anesthesiology in the Department of Veterans Affairs and to provide an organized representation of membership on issues of concern.


Article III ‑ Membership


  1. Active members will be Anesthesiologists who devote a significant portion of their time in professional activities in a Veterans Affairs Hospital or Medical Center. They will be recognized as such by being admissible to or within the American Board of Anesthesiology Examination system, by being Board Certified or the equivalent or by being fellows of the American College of Anesthesiology. Applications for membership will be submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer on the proper forms Active members may attend business and scientific meetings, hold office and exercise other rights subject to the articles of the constitution. Active membership will end with termination of privileges in the Veterans Affairs, resignation by letter to the Secretary/Treasurer or failure to pay dues. At the discretion of the Executive Committee, active membership may be continued beyond termination of privileges in the Veterans Affairs when the Anesthesiologist desires to continue in active membership.


Failure to pay dues is to be interpreted as follows: Thirty days after the due date of dues payment the Secretary/Treasurer will inform each delinquent member that dues are in arrears. Thirty days later, if no communication is received from the delinquent, the Secretary/Treasurer will supply the names of these members to the Executive Committee. One year of grace is allowed, following which the Executive Committee will take action before the members at the annual meeting.



2. Senior members are active members who have reached the age of 65, have retired from active practice and have requested Senior membership while an active member. Senior members will be excused payment of dues, and are not entitled to hold office or to vote.



Article IV ‑ Officers


Officers are President, President‑elect, Secretary/Treasurer. The term of each office shall be for two years. President-elect and Secretary/Treasurer are elected from candidates selected by a Nominating Committee and from candidates proposed from the floor at the annual meeting.  Officers will exercise such duties as provided in the Constitution.  Candidates for office should be individuals who are dedicated to the stated purposes of the organization, and who, prior to nomination, have agreed to serve.


Article V ‑ Duties of Officers


  1. The President will preside at all meetings.

  2. ​In the absence of the President, the President‑elect will preside at all meetings.

  3. In the absence of the President and President‑elect, the Secretary/Treasurer will preside.

  4. The President‑elect will succeed to the office of the President at the ensuing biennial meeting following election to President‑elect, or sooner if necessary by death or resignation of the President. If the President‑elect resigns, the incumbent President will serve until a successor is elected.

  5. The Secretary/Treasurer will maintain the minutes, records and correspondence of the Association. The Secretary/Treasurer will collect dues, maintain financial records and disburse the funds of the Association with the joint approval of the president.

  6. If the office of the Secretary/Treasurer becomes vacant, the President will obtain the records and appoint another officer to the duties of then vacated office.


Article VI ‑ Committees


The standing committees of the organization will consist of an Executive Committee, , a Nominating Committee,


  1. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee will consist of the President, President-elect, past President, Secretary/Treasurer They will prepare the programs and agendas for meetings, consider and report on all matters referred by the Association at large, and conduct the affairs of the Association between meetings.

  2. Nominating Committee: This committee will consist of the past President and two members elected from the floor. They will elect their own chairperson. They will recommend candidates for election to the office of President‑elect, Secretary/Treasurer at the biennial meeting.

  3. A Bylaws Committee will consist of three members appointed by the President.


Article VII ‑ Meetings


  1. The meetings of the Association will be held at a time and place determined by the Executive Committee. A minimum of one meeting a year will take place.

  2. The Executive Committee will meet at the call of the President.


Article VIII ‑ Dues


Annual dues will be set by the Executive Committee, payable on admission to membership and annually.


Article IX ‑ Amendments


  1. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by an active member, who will submit the proposed amendment in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer.

  2. Proposed amendments should be received ninety calendar days before the next meeting. After review by the Bylaws Committee and the Executive Committee, the proposed amendment will be sent to the membership with its recommendations thirty days before the next meeting. At this meeting, after discussion, the final vote on the amendment shall require for approval a minimum affirmation vote of two thirds of those present, this vote being duly recorded by number in writing.

  3. Amendments proposed from the floor at an annual meeting and those received by the Bylaws Committee through the mail less than ninety days before an annual meeting may undergo discussion only.




  1. Meetings of the Association shall function under Roberts Rules of Order unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws.

  2. No part of the net earnings of this Association shall accrue to the benefit of any private member or individual.

  3. Upon dissolution of this Association, all assets remaining after the payment of debts and financial obligations shall be transferred, set over, assigned to a tax-exempt charitable organization related to education an research in Anesthesia (FAER, Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research.

  4. Bylaws requiring action at any duly called meeting must be approved by a quorum of ten percent of the active membership with three-fourths of those present voting affirmatively.



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